Illusionary Reality, 2012 Miro Print Exhibition

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2012.1.25

Dedicate to Joan Miro

The new exhibition entitled “Illusionary Reality, 2012 Miro Print Exhibition” by surrealist Joan Miro (1893-1983) – who was once declared “an assassination of painting” – is underway at the Shanghai Art Museum through to April 3. Nearly 170 prints covering nearly five decades of the Catalan painter’s work are exhibited there.

The painter, sculptor and ceramist is known for his vivid and bold dreamlike, or delirium-like works that deconstruct traditional images and sometimes send elements reeling in space. In early 1995, a Miro exhibition entitled “the Oriental Spirit” was exhibited in Shanghai and there were many visitors but some were disappointed as they could not interpret Miro’s art at that time, says Zhang Hong, spokeswoman for the museum. Since then, Western modern art and concepts have become more familiar to the Chinese mainstream which still has fixed ideas about aesthetics but is more accepting of unusual works. The Miro exhibition is organized by the Shanghai Art Museum and Shanghai Shimao Holding Group, which bought the whole collection from a Japanese collector last year.

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Courtesy of the artist and Shanghai Art Museum, for more information please visit