Transition, 2012, photo on plexiglass, acrylic, red shawl, 90×70×5 cm
The Russian born artist Julia Winter chooses the title ‘PresentpasT’ for her exhibition in Beijing. It refers to the way she deals with several realities that she combines at the same time in her work. Sometimes she uses old photographs that are covered with objects or other layers of images of our time by which new realities are visualized. It might also have to do with the fact that in Russian daily life many realities coexist at the same time. It is as well a way of visualizing our actual dealing with a load of information that has to be filtered and rearranged in order to understand or to question a certain kind of truth. In her installations, paintings, photographic assemblages and performances the content might vary from political issues to subjects that portray persons or cityscapes or it deals with censored contents in visual or written information. In the way she reconstructs our world in a new or modern reality she evokes poetic meanings that seduce us to interpret and to rearrange our own vision in life. The exhibition ‘PresentpasT ’parallels with the exhibition ‘Made in Russia - Nine Contemporary Russian Artists' that OTHER GALLERY | Shanghai Space has organized.
Qui Pro Qua, 2012,watercolor, photo, cord, 30×19 cm
Elena, 2012, photo, black paint, 80×60cm
About the Exhibition
Title: PresentpasT
Artist: Julia Winter
Curator: Maarten Bertheux
Duration: Mar 11th- Apr 22th, 2012
Vernissage: 4 - 7 pm, March 10th, 2012
Venue: OTHER GALLERY l Beijing Space
North 3rd Street 706, 798 ART District, Chaoyang, 100015 Beijing
Courtesy of Julia Winter and Other Gallery.