2024 CAFA Graduation Season | Cao Hongwei: Food is my medium to challenge the boundaries of sculpture


On May 1, 2024 CAFA Graduation Season was officially unveiled at CAFA Art Museum. Just as the theme “Direction of the Heart” contains good wishes and sincere expectations for Class of 2024 at CAFA, 2024 CAFA Graduation Season does not only contain their art achievements,  their enthusiasm and perseverance in creation are also reflected, which further conveys the imagination and expectations of young students as they embark on the road to the future.

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03 The Overall View of Food and You.pngThe Overall View of Food and You

Food and You

By Cao Hongwei from Department of Sculpture

My graduation project was inspired by my experience of weight loss, which prompted me to deeply reflect on the multiple roles of food in human society. It not only meets our basic needs, but it is also a carrier of cultural heritage and a medium for social interaction. In my work, I try to challenge the boundaries of sculpture using food as a medium.

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05 Details of Food and You.webp.png

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07 Details of Food and You.webp.pngDetails of Food and You

3D-printed edible fat-layered sliced biscuits work as the core expression of my work. Through this innovative approach, I intend to trigger profound thinking about the lack of dietary belief in contemporary society. I carefully selected parts of the human body that are prone to fat accumulation and simulated their cross-sectional fat slices as 3D-printed food, so that visitors can intuitively feel the actual proportion of fat in the human body, and thus become aware of the direct relationship between excessive food intake and fat accumulation.

08 Cao Hongwei was interviewed by MEITU.webp.pngCao Hongwei was interviewed by MEITU at CAFA Art Museum09 Children participated in the interactive process.pngChildren participated in the interactive process10 Cao Hongwei distributed 3D printed cookies to children.pngCao Hongwei distributed 3D printed cookies to children

In addition, when these printed sculptures were baked in the oven, their dense linear structures resemble fat particles, and the collapse and deformation produced during the baking process are a metaphor for our tension of nerves and distorted values in the pursuit of delicious food. This process reveals the physical changes in the process of converting food into energy, and it further reflects the negative impact brought by the excessive pursuit of food and misconceptions of human beings.

Courtesy of Cao Hongwei, edited by CAFA ART INFO.