Voyager / Rencontrer--Solo Exhibition of Robert Cahen at Minsheng Art Museum

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2011.12.27

07 Robert Cahen-Winter Journey, 1993; Video, color, sound, 18'

Travel is a typically contemporary way of living. It has also the oldest root in human history – it’s through travel – displacement, migration and nomad life, and even exile – that human beings have written its history and formed its identity – humanity.

Life is a continuous travel, between the original location and final destination, between the past and the future, between memory and reality, between emotion and imagination… Robert Cahen’s work is one of the most interesting incarnations of such a process – it’s also truly contemporary, not only it resorts to the most up-to-date techniques (electronic ways of producing images and sounds), but also explores and demonstrates the very essential aspects of our life today– permanent oscillation, or passage – in the artist’s own word, between stability, settlement, locality and change, displacement, globality… and the very state of being generated in the negotiation.

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Voyager / Rencontrer, solo exhibition of Robert Cahen presents the artist’s video creations since 1980s. Most of the works are results of his travel experience to various parts of the world. They bring viewer into a veritable floating world navigating between reality and fiction, a quasi bodily experience of travel itself.

Photographer, musician and video artist, Robert Cahen’s beginnings in the audiovisual media started through concrete music w Photographer, musician and video artist, his beginnings in the audiovisual media started through concrete music with Pierre Schaeffer, at the Paris Conservatoire. His fiction and documents are travels or performance through the transformation of present reality. His work has been shown in several museums. He has performed around some 50 works, receiving honors at the ZKM Karlsruhe, InVideo Milan and so on. As Professor at the Studi National d’art contemporain LeFresnoy in Roubaix, Robert Cahen has his works in the publications of video art at TASCHEN, Lenoardo MIT, Art Nexus, among other, with the edition of innumerable books of his work.

Courtesy of the artist and Minsheng Art Museum

Date: Dec 19, 2011 - Jan 29, 2012

Venue: Minsheng Art Museum

Artist: Robert Cahen

Curator: Hanru Hou

Organizor: Minsheng Art Museum