The Boat of 2012: Annual Nomination Exhibition for Students of Contemporary Art Academies Announced by Today Art Museum

TEXT:Sue Wang    DATE: 2012.6.15

The Boat of 2012 Annual Nomination Exhibition for Students of Contemporary Art Academies Announced by Today Art Museum 02

Please send the information of your work to the following email address by July 15th, 2012(Beijing Time). E-mail:

Detailed Rules for Its Participants

I General Principles

It is the Organizing Committee of Today Art Museum’s Annual Nomination Exhibition for Students of Contemporary Art Academies that formulates and implements the Detailed Rules with full right to further modification and explanation. These rules bind both the organizer and artists who apply or participate. All artists who apply or participate are deemed to have understood and accepted everything in these rules.

II Organizations

Name of Annual Nomination Exhibition, 2012: The Boat of 2012: Annual Nomination Exhibition for Students of Contemporary Art Academies (in short: Nomination Exhibition 2012 or Nomination Exhibition).

Organizer: Today Art Museum. The Organizing Committee of Today Art Museum’s Annual Nomination Exhibition for Students of Contemporary Art Academies (in short: Organizing Committee of Nomination Exhibition or Organizing Committee) is responsible for implementing.

Guest of Honor: Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

Guest of Honor Abroad: University of the Arts London

Review: The Review Committee of Today Art Museum’s Annual Nomination Exhibition for Students of Contemporary Art Academies (in short: Review Committee of Nomination Exhibition or Review Committee).

Producer of the Exhibition: Zhang Zikang

Director Committee of Organizing Committee: Zhang Zikang, Xu Lei, Zeng Zirong, Nan Nan, Gao Peng, Ou Feiya, Li Xiaoqian

Chief Operator of the Exhibition: Xu Lei

Review Committee (in alphabetical order): Dong Bingfeng, He Guiyan, Li Xu, Liu Qinghe, Song Dong, Jiang Lu, Liu Yi, Tian Kai, Xu Lei, Xu Ning, Yin Jinan, Zhang Zikang, Zhu Wei, Zhu Zhu

III Selection of Works & Awards for Artists

1. Selection Method:

(1) Primary Selection: Reviewers nominate the artists into selection by the works they uploaded on the internet for application. Review Committee determines the selected works according to the voting raking of the works.

(2) Reexamine: After works of primary selection being sent to the Organizing-Committee-named place, Review Committee determines the works selected for the exhibition by reexamination.

(3) Awarding: After the exhibition opens, Reviewers nominate awards to works by open voting. Review Committee determines the works winning Special Award, Gold Awards, Silver Awards, Bronze Awards and Excellence Awards by comprehensively consideration of votes and scores; the Artists Named Awards are selected by the naming artists; Best Curatorial Team Award is determined by votes from both Review Committee and Organizing Committee; Best Popularity Awards of Exhibition and Internet are wined by the most popular artists in exhibition and on official site respectively.

(4) “Popularity of Works” on official site is not taken into account in the selecting of Review Committee.

2. Rewarding Means:

(1) One award certificate and an album are issued for every work selected for the exhibition.

(2) Award-winning works are issued award certificates and bonus or prizes.

(3) Excellent artists win opportunities to be reported by professional media and to sign contracts with excellent art institutes.

(4) To help artists achieve themselves, and care, support and foster the young have always been a virtue of our art circles in China. The planned naming artists of this year are Jiang Lu and so on.

(5) Awards Setting:

Awards Quota Bonus & Prizes

(In RMB, tax included)

Special Award* 1 100000.00,one award certificate

Gold Award* 3 20000.00,one award certificate

Silver Award* 6 10000.00,one award certificate

Bronze Award* 12 6000.00,one award certificate

Best Curatorial Team Award 1 team 10000.00,one award certificate

Artists Named Award 4 one award certificate

Excellence Award several One student’s card of Today Art Museum,one award certificate

Best Popularity Award (Exhibition and Internet) 1 for each magazine “Oriental Art” (sent randomly)

Note: Special Award, Gold Awards, Silver Awards, Bronze Awards and Excellence Awards and Artist Named Award and Best Popularity Awards of Exhibition and Internet can be wined all at the same time; works of Special Award, Gold Awards, Silver Awards, Bronze Awards are collected by the Organizing Committee. We collect the selected works completely, including the work itself and its back board, the frame and other mounting objects; after being collected, the works are not allowed to be changed or lent, if a copy is needed, please do it before sending us the complete works.

IV Requirements for the Works Selected Into Exhibition

1. The Content: according to two themes (This Shore, The Other Shore) of the exhibition, depending on your own artistic views and methods to interpret relevant expression. The media include but be not limited to Chinese painting, oil painting, prints, sculpture, calligraphy, installation, mixed materials, photo and video.

2. Work Specification: In principle, graphic work not exceeding 200cm×200cm, dimensional work not exceeding 300cm (h) ×200cm×200cm, and video work not exceeding 6min.

3.Intellectual Property:

(1) Participating artists must have full ownership of the works, sending sold or donated works to apply is not accepted.

(2) The copyrights of all works on this exhibition belong to the artists. Artists should authorize the works to the Organizing Committee to produce various propaganda items, albums and news propaganda.

(3) All the pictorial and textual materials provided to the Organizing Committee by the artists do not commit infringement to the intellectual property rights of any third party. Artists take full responsibility for all losses caused by the infringement and bear the compensation.

(4) The Organizing Committee guarantees the integrity of the award-winning works collected by the Organizing Committee; the authorship and publishing rights of the works remain belonging to the artists, other rights are taken by the Organizing Committee.

V Application Methods and Requirements

1. Participation Qualifications: In principle, full time junior college students, undergraduates, postgraduates for a master or doctor’s degree, and graduates been left the academies within 3 years (including 3 years) can log in the application system on the official site to apply. Related restrictions can loosen properly if you have a relatively high artistic achievement.

2. Application Time Period: on 0:00 of April 5 to 23:59 of June 20, 2012

3. Application Methods: Send E-mail to the official mailbox( the Application Time Period. It is deemed as invalid application and not granted entry into judgment if not within the Application Time Period or not through the application system on the official site. Be carefully filling each blank of your personal information when you log in to the application system to apply. The information you filled must be real and valid. If it is found out that the info is not true, the qualification will be canceled. If your contact information changing, please update your application materials in time.

4. Publicity of Works: Show space for 3 works of each theme for every applicator is provided on the official site of the Organizing Committee. In each space, the picture format uploaded should be jpg, the color mode RGB, and no “symbol” in the file title; 3 pictures of each theme share a total size within 1M or cannot be uploaded (Data mentioned above can be modified in the route of Image Size in the menu of Image in the software Photoshop.) During the publicity period on the official site, every application work can be commented and voted by the members of the site. Comments and votes are not taken into consideration of the Review Committee, only as the evidence for competing Best Popularity Award.

5. To guarantees the qualification of selecting, please send the entire work of your video via E-mail to the Organizing Committee within one week after your application. Participating artists have to provide two formats of their works: DVD and any one of wma, avi or swf. Picture of your work should be one picture composited with 8 video screenshots, only allowed in the format of jpg or tiff, color mode of CMYK, picture size within 297mm (h) ×210mm, and the resolution ratio should be 300p/cm. (Data mentioned above can be modified in the route of Image Size in the menu of Image in the software Photoshop.) This picture will appear on the album and be used in related report and propaganda items.

6. Repeated application and excess uploaded works will be deleted. Anyone who has maliciously repeated applying, spread network virus, been recognized as cheating in a network voting process by network technology personnel and the Review Committee commonly, will be deleted application materials and cancel participation qualification.

VI Publicity and Sending of Primarily Selected Works

1. After the primary selection, the Organizing Committee will contact the artists by telephone to notify related terms of sending works. Please keep your telephone accessible. The result of primary selection will be published on the official site.

2. The works sent by artists must be the same one notified by the Organizing Committee. If the selected works cannot be sent, the artists should inform the Organizing Committee. It is decided by the Review Committee whether to keep the participation qualification of the artists and whether to allow a shifting for the selected works.

3. The artists should send participation statement and information sheets of the works when sending works, and paste on 4 side-face of the outer box. Please download the participation statement, information sheets of the works and packing lists of the works on the official site. Signature and ID-copy is required on or paste on relevant positions of the printed participation statement. Send it with the works to the place named by the Organizing Committee. Information sheets of the works need to be pasted on the back of the works (on the bottom of sculptures). Packing lists of the works needed to be pasted on the named spot of outer box. Works of many artists sharing one packing boxes sending to the organizing committee, each artist's work packing list needs to be pasted on the named spot of the box.

4. The works selected to the exhibition should be transported by artists or the artist-entrusted logistics company within the time prescribed by Organizing Committee to the place appointed by the Organizing Committee (at that time, the Organizing Committee will release the time limit and address for sending works; delivery expenses of the works is paid by the artists themselves; the time issue subjects to the receipt time of the Organizing Committee). Works not delivered to athe named location on time deems as the artists giving up participating the exhibition. Artists in Beijing and Tianjin area should send their works by themselves to the Organizing Committee.

5. The artists selected for exhibition must sent one picture of the works through E-mail to the organizing committee within the time period. The filename of the pictures should be: the author's name, the title of the work, type of the work, size of the work (graphic works as hight x width, three-dimensional works as hight × long side x short side), creating time, and the academy of the author. All works please send only one electronic picture. Graphic works do not need to provide detailed parts; Three-dimensional work can provide pictures of different viewing angles. Pictures of a series of graphic work and a (series) three-dimensional work from different viewing angles must composite into one picture, only allowed in the format of jpg or tiff, color mode of CMYK, picture size within 297mm (h) ×210mm, and the resolution ratio should be 300p/cm. (Data mentioned above can be modified in the route of Image Size in the menu of Image in the software Photoshop.) This picture will appear on the album and be used in related report and propaganda items.

6. The broadcast equipment for video works, related equipment for interactive works must be provided by the artists. Artists who do not provide these related equipment will be regarded as giving up participating the exhibition.

7. The Organizing Committee is not liable for transportation insurance of the works, but allowing artists to buy transportation insurance for the works.

VII Reception of Primary Selection and Examine of Exhibition Works

1. When being received, if the outer boxes of the works is damaged, and the Review Committee judge the works may be damaged or found works damaged when opening its packing box, the Organizing Committee will contact artists in first time.

2. Graphic works must achieve the requirements of directly hanging on the wall (graphic works are not allowed only set-off not framed). If exhibition works cannot reach the requirements, the Organizing Committee will return the works and cancel participation qualifications of the artists.

3. The return of the works for the reason of art level or framed way not conform to the regulations, return costs and all the losses in returning are born by the artists. The Organizing Committee does not undertake the transportation insurance for returning works, but allowing artists to buy transportation insurance for the works.

VIII The Exhibition, Awards Ceremony and Related Activities

1. Exhibition Location: 3rd floor of Building No.1, Building No. 3, Today Art Museum (Tentative, take the practical arrangement as standard).

2. Exhibition Time: on July 13 to July 31, 2012 (Tentative, take the practical arrangement as standard).

3. Exhibition Arrangement: Exhibition arrangement is solely responsible by the Organizing Committee, implemented by Today Art Museum exhibition center, the students’ curatorial team of the Nomination Exhibition, Technology Department and Engineering Department of exhibition arrangement. If artists have any requirements for the display environment, please attach description of text and pictures when sending works. During the exhibition arrangement period, without permission of the Organizing Committee, artists and their staff shall not enter the exhibition hall.

4. During the exhibition, Regulatory Center and Exhibition Center of today art museum are responsible for the security of works, broadcast of videos, maintenance of equipment for the interactive works, etc. Artists cannot shift works during the exhibition.

5. To ensure the best exhibition effect, the Organizing Committee does not provide special security measures for the works. The artists can pay for special security measures for the works after getting the Organizing Committee’s allowance. If there is a force majeure causes the damage of the works, all losses are born by artists. The Organizing Committee does not undertake the exhibition insurance for works, but allowing artists to buy insurance for the works.

6. The Nomination Exhibition will be free to college students.

7. Award Ceremony

(1) The Organizing Committee is responsible for organizing the award ceremony, be specifically carried out by the students’ curatorial team. The Organizing Committee will hope all artists be present (travel expense on artists themselves).

(2) Time: 19:30, July 18, 2012 (Tentative, take the notice on official site as standard).

(3) Location: Art Plaza of Today Art Museum (Tentative, take the notice on official site as standard).

8. During the exhibition, Public Education Department of Today Art Museum will organize various activities. Take the specific implementation plan published by the Organizing Committee of the Nominate Exhibition as standard. At the appointed time, welcome all the artists to participate.

IX Removing, Returning of the Works and Prize Taking

1. Removing: The Organizing Committee is responsible for removing of the entity exhibition. During the removing period, without permission of the Organizing Committee, artists and their staff shall not enter the exhibition hall.

2. The works not collected by the Organizing Committee will be return in the original package boxes by the organizing committee, and relevant expenses are counted on the Organizing Committee. Packing of the works seriously damaged in the process of sending and can't be used again, or the original package must be damaged to remove the works, the Organizing Committee will charge proper fee of packing box and re-package, sending back free. The exhibition certificate and one exhibition album will be returned together with the work to the artist. Artists who need more albums have to contact the Organizing Committee to buy.

3. To the artists who send the works by themselves, the Organizing Committee is not responsible for sending back the works, the artists must come and take the works away in the prescribed time (on August 21-23, 2012).

4. Artists who entrust others to take works, award certificates and bonuses, prizes, etc, please sign the power of attorney. Please download and print the power of attorney on the official website.

5. Bonus Getting Time: on July 19 to July 31, 2012 (except holiday), exceeding will be seen as artists giving up bonuses. Give-up-bonus artists continue to enjoy the award and the honor of work collected by the Organizing Committee.

6. Artists do not take away the exhibition works within specified time, the Organizing Committee will charge 500 yuan/day of storage costs.

7. The Organizing Committee bear only the transportation costs of the works within the territory of mainland China.

8. The loss of the exhibition certificates and exhibition albums caused by personal reasons of the artists, the Organizing Committee will not reissue.

9. The Organizing Committee does not undertake the returning insurance for works, but allowing artists to buy transportation insurance for the works.

X Force Majeure

In the cases of unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable events happening, including but not limited to earthquake, severe weather, war, strikes, riots, prevailing disease outbreaks, under government control, the Organizing Committee shall have the right to change, extend and shortening the exhibition time, and for a safety-based consideration to protect the works, to immediately stop exhibition activities. After force majeure time ended, the Organizing Committee will take counsel with the artists on problems arising possibly.

 Courtesy Today Art Museum, for further information please visit