Since the end of 20th century, the development speed of contemporary art is quite fast and the demand of art works are more increased in the world because the newly economics mushroomed. Especially the East Asian art market is usually discussed by the people due to the rather unity of culture background, concept and values, reality experience, and the reaction when facing challenge. Till now, it is still growing up very speedy. If we say economic influences the process of art market development, then the booming East Asian art market between these 10 to 20 years expresses that a society is thirsting and aspiring for the spiritual life.
Dynasty Gallery has managed and collected contemporary art since 2000. They figured out the works of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese artist have quite infusive. Of course, they have touched many earlier stage works by the young artists as well. These meaningful works are not only the creation thread of artists but also the background and beating of a society. "Starting Gear - East Asian Contemporary Youth Artists Art Works Collected Exhibition" is held before Young Art Taipei. Dynasty Gallery will present works by more than 20 artists. Through this program, they hope they can share their tracks and concern for the young artists with visitors.
The Taiwanese artists
Sim CHANG, CHANG Yu-Teng, CHEN Li-An, CHEN Wei-Tu, HSU Tang-Wei, LIN Hsu-Kai, Natako LIN, LIN Yi-Long, LIN Yu-Ching & WEI Hsing-Yu, LIU Shi-Dong, PENG Rui-Chung, RAN Ling-Pei, TSENG Wei-Hao, WU Chang-Jung.
The Chinese artists
CAI Xiaoxiao, CAI Yaling, GAO Huijun, SHAO Xuan, YIN Jun.
The Japanese artists
HIROSE Satoshi, KOHARA Chiaki, MATSUEDA Yuki, OSAMU Watanabe, SATOW Asuka.
The Korean artists
KIM Chang young, PARK Mi Jin
About the exhibition
Duration: 22 Mar - 17 May 2014
Venue: Dynasty Gallery
Opening Hours: 11:00-19:00 (Mon - Sat)
Tel: 886-2-23770838
Add: No.41, Leli Road, Taipei City, Taiwan
Courtesy of the artist and Dynasty Gallery.