The idea is to stage an “art theatre” with the capacity to present a number of expressions, forms and structures that are typical of the current Italian art scene, which is its own little labyrinthine universe, overflowing with ideas, observations and visions.
The exhibition is very much a reflection on art in this day and age, and it poses a fundamental question: which strategies can artists implement to mark out their individuality, the uniqueness of their message, in a system that gobbles everything up and spits it back out in a never-ending stream? The Contemporary Visions project is an attempt to think through these facets of art and of “making art” today, and is geared specifically towards analysing and highlighting those aspects of present-day Italian art that constitute multi-perceptive spaces for cultural reflection on the contemporary moment.
It all adds up to a dialogue between generations, experiments and incidents, played out through works created by artists who are meditating on the present and on the possibilities afforded by the future of art, capturing and critiquing the history of modern-day society, its principles and its trends, deploying phenomenological perspectives that encompass “experiences on the borderline” between reality and imagination. Contemporary Visions is the physical and conceptual logos where different expressions and experiences of the Italian art system are woven together – a “frame” at once real and ideal in which to come “face-to-face” with a substantial cross-section of Italy's artistic culture.
About the exhibition
Dates: Jun 27, 2015 - Jul 24, 2015
Opening: Jun 26, 2015, 17:00, Friday
Venue: SPSI Art Museum
Artists: Afterall Afterall, Domenico Antonio Mancini, Diana Avgusta Stauer, Maura Banfo, Matteo Basile, Domenico Borrelli, Botto&Bruno, Stefano Cagol, Gianni Caravaggio, Filippo Centenari, Davide Coltro, Peter Demetz, Rocco Dubbini, Paolo Grassino, Francesco Jodice, Mariangela Levita, Lucà Nicus, Masbedo Masbedo, Marzia Migliora, Moio & Sivelli, Marco Nereo Rotelli, Marina Paris, Perino & Vele, Giulia Piscitelli, Rosy Rox, Francesco Sena, Adrian Tranquilli, Fabio Viale, Ciro Vitale
Organizers: IGAV(Istituto Garuzzo per le Arti Visive)
Shanghai International Culture Association(SICA)
SPSI Art Museum
Courtesy of the artists and SPSI Art Museum, for further information please visit