2024 CAFA Graduation Season | Zhang Jiaqing: How can we return to the state before “penalty” of stone?


On May 1, 2024 CAFA Graduation Season was officially unveiled at CAFA Art Museum. Just as the theme “Direction of the Heart” contains good wishes and sincere expectations for Class of 2024 at CAFA, 2024 CAFA Graduation Season does not only contain their art achievements,  their enthusiasm and perseverance in creation are also reflected, which further conveys the imagination and expectations of young students as they embark on the road to the future.

16 Exhibition View of Retracing The Hotel Design Themed on Cave Diving at Quarry Site.png

Exhibition View of Retracing: The Hotel Design Themed on Cave Diving at Quarry Site12 The Creative Process of Retracing The Hotel Design Themed on Cave Diving at Quarry Site.pngThe Creative Process of Retracing: The Hotel Design Themed on Cave Diving at Quarry Site

Retracing: The Hotel Design Themed on Cave Diving at Quarry Site

By Zhang Jiaqing from School of Architecture

My design was inspired by a shocking experience during our research trip to the countryside. Jietou Town, Tiantai County of Zhejiang Province was chosen to be our researching site. Our research in the past few days focused on several key villages and the center of Jietou Town. Although Jietou Town has beautiful scenery, it is generally a conventional tourist village with no distinctive characteristics. On the last day of free research, this abandoned quarry impressed me a lot as I grew up in the city. The wasteland wonder formed by interweaving relics of human behavior with natural restoration is in great contrast with modern cities and homogeneous villages. Therefore, I thought of using this wonder to design a place with more spectacle characteristics by using the featured site.

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04 My research trip to the countryside.pngMy research trip to the countryside

After learning about the history of the quarry, I decided on the topic of the relationship between man-made building and nature. The over-exploitation of the quarry brought about lithosis and natural destruction, and wealth came with a huge price; but after the quarry was closed, the local government developed tourism in a way that respects and protects nature, and it has achieved greater development in economy. I hope to continue this humble attitude towards nature in my architecture design.

13 The Creative Process of Retracing The Hotel Design Themed on Cave Diving at Quarry Site.png14 The Creative Process of Retracing The Hotel Design Themed on Cave Diving at Quarry Site.png15 The Creative Process of Retracing The Hotel Design Themed on Cave Diving at Quarry Site.pngThe Creative Process of Retracing: The Hotel Design Themed on Cave Diving at Quarry Site11 Exhibition View.pngExhibition ViewCourtesy of Zhang Jiaqing, edited by CAFA ART INFO.